“Golden rice bowl” refers to the bowl that the emperor eats in ancient times. According to folk rumors, you can get a golden rice bowl and you will have nothing to worry about. In modern times, the “golden rice bowl” refers to a position with a good salary. It is also called another name for eating the national food. To get this “golden rice bowl” means that from the past, you have a good life, good food and clothing, and a good life.
“金饭碗” 古时指皇帝吃饭的碗,民间传言,能得金饭碗,一生衣食无忧。在现代,“金饭碗”则指待遇优厚的职位,亦成吃国粮的另称,得此“金饭碗”,便意味着从此前程似锦、丰衣足食、生活美好。
碗的历史绵延了几千年,自从有了人类文明,碗便成为人们生活中所不可或缺的一部分。适逢2010盛世之年,我们为碗赋予了更多的时代意义和艺术内涵,打造出独一无二、具有时代烙印的 “金饭碗” 使其成为滚滚历史中的重要一页,永载史册。
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