Image size 50x50cm – silkart Sun, 25 Dec 2022 23:10:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Image size 50x50cm – silkart 32 32 77226 Suzhou watertown Sun, 19 Jul 2020 06:27:34 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 77226 Suzhou watertown first appeared on silkart.


The home of the House of Zhang and the birthplace of Silk Art is a city called Suzhou, located in the deltas of the Yangtze River in Southeastern China, about 60 miles west of Shanghai.

Suzhou has a history of more than 2,500 years, dating back to the late Shang Dynasty. Marco Polo called Suzhou “The Venice of the East“. An old Chinese saying calls Suzhou a “Paradise on the Earth“. Centuries of tourists have praised the beauty of Suzhou’s nature, classical gardens, bridges, waters, traditional operas, and the soft tone of the dialect. Suzhou is still a favorite tourist destination with a rich history and a fascinating present.

Over the years, Suzhou has evolved into a modern industrial city. With a total area of nearly 8500 square miles and a population of just over 6 million, Suzhou is a major manufacturing, technology, investment and exporting base in China.

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77228 Suzhou Village Abstract Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:28 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 77228 Suzhou Village Abstract first appeared on silkart.


Silk Art is the art of painting with a needle and thread. The stitching is done by hand using silk thread on silk fabric. Silk Art is highly prized in China, recognized as the art of Emperors.

In the west, we learn about Van Gogh and the other great western art masters growing up, as part of our cultural heritage. Chinese children learn about Silk Art. Silk Art’s ancient traditions come from the royal embroiderers, families placed in Suzhou, China over two thousand years ago by the first Chinese Emperor to embroider his robes. The artwork produced by these families all belonged to the Emperor, hence the art of King’s, and our name King Silk Art.

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77231 Suzhou Village Abstract Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:28 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 77231 Suzhou Village Abstract first appeared on silkart.


The techniques and skills necessary to create Silk Art are passed from generation to generation, and require years of training to master the techniques. While embroidery is ubiquitous throughout the world, high quality Silk Art is rare. Only a tiny handful of people can produce Silk Art that touches your heart and soul.

The real reason, however, to possess Silk Art, is its beauty. The gentle kiss of love, the warmth of a summer afternoon, the wind on your face, the water flowing by, the delicate touch of the feathers fluttering, the majestic animal become poetry in the Silk Art form.

There is a sense of life you can taste with your eyes, a sense of spirit captured as no other media can. This exquisite artwork will remain pristine for your family to appreciate for generations. Please explore our galleries and join the international family of Silk Art collectors.

The post 77231 Suzhou Village Abstract first appeared on silkart.

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72001 YING AND YAN FISH Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:16 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 72001 YING AND YAN FISH first appeared on silkart.


Koi is the most prized fish in the feng shui world. A decorative variety of carp, koi come in several bright colors such as red, yellow, blue, white and sometimes black. The typical number for Koi fish in a feng shui aquarium is 9 (8 brightly colored koi and 1 black koi fish). The black fish is there to neutralize bad luck.

You can also find feng shui cures with 2 koi fish, this being a feng shui cure to attract love and fidelity. There are also paintings with any number of koi fish in a stream, which is used to represent a fresh flow of abundance. Still, best numbers are considered either 9 or multiples of 9. Such as 99, 36, 999 etc.

阴阳鱼也称“太极图” 它是反应我国传统哲学中辩证思想的一种象征性符号,由图形上看,由黑白两个鱼形图案拼成一个完整的圆形,喻示着阴阳(按现在的哲学名词,“阴阳”可以理解为“矛盾的两个方面”)相互转化又相互对立的基本道理,由鱼尾至鱼头,是阴或阳由弱小到壮大的一个过程,鱼眼(黑鱼中的白点或白鱼中的黑点)代表着阴中有阳、阳中有阴,阴阳相互依存的关系,呈旋转对称的(鱼头衔鱼尾)的图形表示阴阳之间是可以相互转化的,即阳盛极而阴生,阴盛极而阳生。同时黑白分明又表示阴阳之间是相互克制的。


The post 72001 YING AND YAN FISH first appeared on silkart.

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71088 Two Birds Sit on Branch Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:15 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 71088 Two Birds Sit on Branch first appeared on silkart.


4. Color – the more colors, the more realistic look of the art
Only carefully-dyed, pure silk is used in our Silk Art. We use thousands of different shades of color. The wide variety of tones and shades used by our artists, allow them to create shading and dimension bringing the silk embroidery artwork to life.The same images may made in different sizes and quality levels. Usually, the larger canvases will use a greater variety of colors. With few exceptions, very detailed and colorful artwork will need to be made in larger sizes.

The post 71088 Two Birds Sit on Branch first appeared on silkart.

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