Framed size:76x76cm – silkart Mon, 29 Jan 2024 05:40:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Framed size:76x76cm – silkart 32 32 72014 Gold fish Thu, 17 Sep 2020 23:11:39 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 72014 Gold fish first appeared on silkart.


Koi is the most prized fish in the feng shui world. A decorative variety of carp, koi come in several bright colors such as red, yellow, blue, white and sometimes black. The typical number for Koi fish in a feng shui aquarium is 9 (8 brightly colored koi and 1 black koi fish). The black fish is there to neutralize bad luck.

You can also find feng shui cures with 2 koi fish, this being a feng shui cure to attract love and fidelity. There are also paintings with any number of koi fish in a stream, which is used to represent a fresh flow of abundance. Still, best numbers are considered either 9 or multiples of 9. Such as 99, 36, 999 etc.

“鱼的寓意有很多,因为 “鱼” 和 “余” 同音,也常被寓意为年年有余,在古代鱼象征着富贵。
1. “鱼” 与 “余” 谐音,所以鱼象征着富贵。民俗岁末祭祖中讲究供鱼,取年年有余鱼之吉利,则是对鱼的一种图腾崇拜。
2. “如鱼得水” 用来描述工作和生活和谐美满、幸福、自在。鱼水。比喻夫妻相得,或者男女情笃。

The post 72014 Gold fish first appeared on silkart.

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76091 Magnolia with Two Birds Mon, 13 Jul 2020 04:58:44 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 76091 Magnolia with Two Birds first appeared on silkart.


King Silk Art creates 100% handmade Silk Art. A talented artist spent months and sometimes years hand stitching this gorgeous Silk Art. This handmade Silk Art is a completely natural form of art. No glues, paint or machinery, just silk, vegetable dyes and a needle. Compared to prints and paintings, silk artwork has a nearly 3 dimensional look and very high value. It is a real one-of-a-kind artwork.

The post 76091 Magnolia with Two Birds first appeared on silkart.

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87302 Sky Forest Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:36 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 87302 Sky Forest first appeared on silkart.


The Silk Art process begins with tightly stretching a canvas over a wooden frame. The design is then roughly outlined, directly on the canvas. At that point, the artist begins stitching the most intricate parts of the pattern with tiny needles and colorful silk threads, bringing the image to life.
Each strand of silk fiber can be divided in up to 16 individual threads. 1/16 of a strand of silk thread is finer than a human hair. The thinner the thread, the finer the art work. The artist then builds layers of threads of varying colors and thicknesses to create dimension, shadows, and highlights. A small piece of Silk Art takes one artist a few days to complete, a masterpiece may take several artists a few years to bring to the final stage. This array of techniques and materials come together to create unique and multi-faceted works of art.

The post 87302 Sky Forest first appeared on silkart.

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87303 Tree and Fences Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:36 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 87303 Tree and Fences first appeared on silkart.


Not surprisingly, a major difference between handmade Silk Art and machine made embroidery is in the stitching process. Handmade Silk Art allows for a variety of stitches in varying thicknesses of thread, every work is unique. Machine made embroidery is completely uniform; every piece is virtually identical to the next.

Handmade Silk Art begins with stretching the fabric tightly over a wooden frame. The artists use a fine needle and colorful threads to sew each stitch by hand. Machine made embroidery is computer generated and fabricated. Pre-made patterns are input into the computer that controls the sewing machine to make the embroidery.

The post 87303 Tree and Fences first appeared on silkart.

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87301 Red Leaves in Forest Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:36 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 87301 Red Leaves in Forest first appeared on silkart.


The techniques and skills necessary to create Silk Art are passed from generation to generation, and require years of training to master the techniques. While embroidery is ubiquitous throughout the world, high quality Silk Art is rare. Only a tiny handful of people can produce Silk Art that touches your heart and soul.

The real reason, however, to possess Silk Art, is its beauty. The gentle kiss of love, the warmth of a summer afternoon, the wind on your face, the water flowing by, the delicate touch of the feathers fluttering, the majestic animal become poetry in the Silk Art form.

There is a sense of life you can taste with your eyes, a sense of spirit captured as no other media can. This exquisite artwork will remain pristine for your family to appreciate for generations. Please explore our galleries and join the international family of Silk Art collectors.

The post 87301 Red Leaves in Forest first appeared on silkart.

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86073 Blue and black lotous abstract Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:33 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 86073 Blue and black lotous abstract first appeared on silkart.


The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions, as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower.


The post 86073 Blue and black lotous abstract first appeared on silkart.

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86075 Fuchsia Lace Flower abstract Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:33 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 86075 Fuchsia Lace Flower abstract first appeared on silkart.


The Lotus Flower grows in the deep mud, far away from the sun. But, sooner or later, the Lotus reaches the light becoming the most beautiful flower ever.
The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions, as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower.
1、清廉:在古代诗歌里,荷花一直是象征坚韧不屈,洁身自好的高贵品质,有”出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”的句子,意思就是说荷花从淤泥里生长起来却没有淤泥的污秽,从清水里长出来却一点也不妖艳,这就象征着清官,赞颂他们两袖清风,为民服务。荷花别名“青莲”, “青莲”与“清廉”同音,所以在看望官员时,携带一束荷花就是表达了对他们崇高的尊敬之情。



The post 86075 Fuchsia Lace Flower abstract first appeared on silkart.

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86076 Grey and black lotous abstract Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:33 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 86076 Grey and black lotous abstract first appeared on silkart.


King Silk Art creates 100% handmade Silk Art. A talented artist spent months and sometimes years hand stitching this gorgeous Silk Art. This handmade Silk Art is a completely natural form of art. No glues, paint or machinery, just silk, vegetable dyes and a needle. Compared to prints and paintings, silk artwork has a nearly 3 dimensional look and very high value. It is a real one-of-a-kind artwork.

The post 86076 Grey and black lotous abstract first appeared on silkart.

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86077 Golden and black lotous abstract Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:33 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 86077 Golden and black lotous abstract first appeared on silkart.


The Lotus Flower grows in the deep mud, far away from the sun. But, sooner or later, the Lotus reaches the light becoming the most beautiful flower ever.
The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions, as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower.

“荷花定律是一个哲学定律,意思是成功需要厚积薄发,需要积累沉淀。 很多人的一生就像池塘里的荷花,一开始用力地开,玩命地开…… 但渐渐的,你开始感到枯燥甚至是厌烦,你可能在第9天、第19天甚至第29天的时候放弃了坚持。 这时,往往离成功只有一步之遥。 荷花定律告诉我们这样一个道理: 拼到最后,拼的不是运气和聪明,而是毅力。 人生前期越嫌麻烦,越懒得学,后来就越可能错过让你动心的人和事,错过新风景。 一辈子太长,一秒钟太短,30天不长不短刚刚好。

The post 86077 Golden and black lotous abstract first appeared on silkart.

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82014 Two koi Fish Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:32 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 82014 Two koi Fish first appeared on silkart.


1. Artistic Talent – The individual skills and development
Professional Silk Art artists go through a lengthy learning process to develop theirskills and talent. The very first lessons begin on grandma’s knee. For Silk Art families, teaching our children about the family legacy is a centuries old tradition.For those with talent and an interest, formal training starts in their late teens.

Artists must spend ten years as a student and another eight years as a teacher in order to meet the time requirement to be a Master Silk Artist. After five years as a Master Silk Artist, an artist may apply to become a Grand Master Silk Artist. These are general guidelines. Time alone does not necessarily make you a Master or Grand Master. Talent and skill must be demonstrated as well.

The post 82014 Two koi Fish first appeared on silkart.

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