framed size 58x130cm – silkart Tue, 16 May 2023 22:52:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 framed size 58x130cm – silkart 32 32 87002 Along the River during Qing Ming Festival Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:51:34 +0000 • Master collections, available to order.
• King Silk Art sells only handmade master quality silk artworks.
• Silk colors shimmer when light hits and softly glow in dim-dark areas.
• The actual artworks will vary slightly from the online image due to hand-stitching.

The post 87002 Along the River during Qing Ming Festival first appeared on silkart.


The original author of this painting, Zhang Zeduan, is a history of Hanlin painting during the time of Song Huizong (1082-1135). People in the Jin Dynasty said that he was “the right way of writing. He was from Tobu. When he was a child, he studied and traveled in Bianjing. Later he studied painting. He was originally good at painting circles (buildings and buildings), and he loved painting boats, cars and bridges. In addition, in the history of painting There is not much biography about him, and the works handed down are even rarer. “Shanghe on the Qingming Festival” was made in the Northern Song Dynasty, but many painters in the Southern Song Dynasty moved to Hangzhou to recall the prosperity of the old Beijing and often adopted this theme.

剧本故事说的是,有个叫莫怀古的官员,家里有三件宝贝:第一件是张择端的真本《清明上河图》,第二件是绰号“一捧雪”(形容它的洁白)的玉杯,第三是一个叫作雪艳的美丽姬妾。莫家有一个裱糊字画的人名叫汤勤——在舞台上这 “汤裱褙” 是典型的丑角。汤勤后来巴结上当时的宰相严嵩父子,就鼓动严氏把莫家的三件宝抢夺到手,严嵩于是先叫人去讨《清明上河图》。莫怀古既舍不得这张画,又不敢违背这杀人不眨眼的权相严嵩,于是想办法找了一张临本送去。严嵩得图正在得意 “汤裱褙” 却指出这张画是假的。严嵩老羞成怒,便硬诬莫怀古 “通倭” 把他拿去“正法”。莫怀古有个家人莫成,样子很像莫怀古,自愿替莫怀古砍头。莫怀古便带了《清明上河图》和“一捧雪”逃出城门,可是“汤裱褙”又跑到严嵩那里献殷勤,说杀掉的并非莫怀古。严嵩听了大怒,便派锦衣都督陆炳和汤勤一起审理这个案子。汤勤主张传雪艳来认人头。后来雪艳得了陆炳的暗示,把汤勤刺死了。

The post 87002 Along the River during Qing Ming Festival first appeared on silkart.

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